This blog post concerns the ongoing empirical work of the Danish team and is therefore work in progress. In the INVENT project, we have been busy collecting different types of data via methods such as interviews, focus groups, case studies, and data scraping. Inspired by insights from previous data collections, the Danish team followed the traces of digital inequalities, which
A new book “Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context” by INVENT team member Riie Heikkilä has been published in the Palgrave Studies in Cultural Studies series. The book uses qualitative data from individual interviews and focus groups collected and explores the questions of cultural non-participation in Finland. The point of departure for the book is the much-studied relationship between
INVENT’s data scraping team has recently completed its second annual report “Advocating for culture in turbulent times”. Following phase I, which explored the various uses of the word “culture on the Twittersphere, our team decided to delve deeper for phase II. For phase II, we took a closer look at the question “What do people talk about when they talk
The Finnish INVENT team members participated in a seminar “Back to Bourdieu(?): A Symposium” held on 12 December at the University of Helsinki. The event and presentations discussed the legacy of Pierre Bourdieu’s work on sociology, especially from the Finnish perspective. In his presentation, INVENT team member Semi Purhonen discussed the influence of Bourdieu in current cultural stratification research and
Our last blog post presented an introduction to INVENT’s current interview data collection phase. In this post, we want to highlight a subset of questions, which explore how people relate to digital media in their lives, and how those impact their cultural practices.
In the period between October 6th and 8th, 2022, a team meeting of the INVENT project (European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture as a Basis for Inclusive Cultural Policies in the Globalizing World) was held in Zadar, Croatia. The project is supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The meeting was organised by the Croatian partner in the
During the past summer, INVENT’s members have conducted interviews with locals and migrants in each of the consortium countries. In the following blog, we share preliminary findings regarding the ways in which migrants take part (or don’t) in their new country’s cultural offerings. The countries included in this blog are the UK, Denmark, Finland, Croatia, and Serbia (in which immigrant
This year in April the German musician Ronja Maltzahn was supposed to play a concert at a Fridays-for-Future protest in Hannover (DE). A few days before the event, however, she was uninvited by the organizers due to her hairstyle: She, a white person, was wearing dreadlocks [1]. A few months later, a similar event took place in Switzerland. Here, a
INVENT has brought out a new report that comprises a combination of data and analyses capturing an answer to the question: What does culture mean to Europeans?To map out the multiplicity of understandings of culture within and across Europe, the report opens with a brief discussion of the diverse conceptions of culture, the current “cultural abundance” and how the manifold
It is a commonly shared view that “culture is good for you”. In cultural policy, there has long been concern about citizens that do not participate in any cultural activities, such as visiting museums or concerts. Cultural non-participation has often been treated as a problem – even though non-participation is actually very common. An explanation for the low rates of