

Who supports the new left? Evidence from Croatia

After decades of limited leftist activity in Croatia, new social movements have emerged, offering viable political alternatives. In this paper, Valentina Petrovic from the Swiss INVENT team, examines the electoral support for the New Left using data from the INVENT 2021 survey. The findings indicate that the New Left is more popular among younger, urban, and culturally liberal individuals, who

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Perceptions of shared European culture increase the support for the European Union

Political theorists debate whether a European identity rooted in shared cultural values is a necessary foundation for deeper integration within the European Union (EU). A new article by the INVENT team explores this issue through a constructivist lens, examining how Europeans perceive their shared culture and its relationship to their support for the EU. Specifically, the authors investigate: (a) whether

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Spanish translation of Towards a Social Turn in Cultural Policy

We are proud to present the Spanish translation of INVENT’s Policymaker’s Guidebook: Hacia un Cambio Social en la Política Cultura: Una Guía para los Responsables de Políticas Culturales. You can download the Spanish version of the Guidebook here. The Policymaker’s Guidebook serves as a practical resource for cultural policymakers and practitioners, offering guidance on advancing the societal values of culture

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100+ new entries added to European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture

One of the major outputs of the INVENT project is a dynamic, interactive e-dictionary of pluralistic, inclusive cultural policies aiming at a social turn in cultural policy. In the era of directionless search engines, the European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture stands out as a dependable resource for policymakers, researchers, cultural practitioners, and interested individuals seeking to acquaint

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New publication: Cultural practices and socio-digital inequalities in Europe

INVENT members Predrag Cvetičanin (Serbia),  Lucas Page Pereira (France), Mirko Petrić (Croatia), Inga Tomić-Koludrović (Croatia) , Frédéric Lebaron France), and Željka Zdravković (Croatia) have published a new article in Cultural Sociology. The article proposes a unified research framework to examine how social and digital inequalities impact various cultural practices, including offline and online art-related and everyday activities. Unlike traditional research, which studies these areas independently, the authors argue for

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INVENT presentation for media scholars and practitioners at Communication Science Conference in Rotterdam

Marc Verboord presented a new study from the INVENT project at the Etmaal 2024 conference in Rotterdam. The conference is the largest annual Communication Science conference in the Netherlands and Flanders. Erasmus University’s Department of Media and Communication hosted the conference, which was attended by over 400 media scholars, educators, policymakers, and practitioners. The presentation was titled: “Media Use, Cultural

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Successful presentations by Mirko Petrić on cultural inequalities and the crucial role of cultural funding

Two recent presentations by Mirko Petrić of the Croatian INVENT team have drawn significant attention and acclaim, highlighting perceptions of cultural inequalities across Europe and the need to finance culture. The first presentation, titled How citizens of nine European countries perceive inequalities in culture?, was held as an online lecture on January 31st, 2024. Organized by the Croatian Sociological Association

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New INVENT article: Cultural practices and political values in Finland

Sara Sivonen and Riie Heikkilä from the Finnish INVENT team published a journal article, in which they explored the limits and boundaries between cultural practices and political values in contemporary Finland. The article was published by the European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology. Cultural practices exhibit clear social stratification while also being intertwined with political values, with previous research

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New research alert: Religiosity in Croatia and Serbia

Danijela Gavrilović, a member of the Serbian Invent team, recently published an article titled “A Comparative Analysis of Religiosity in Croatia and Serbia,” in Sociologija. In her research, Gavrilović explores various dimensions of religiosity, including denomination, self-declared religiosity, and religious practices, among the citizens of Croatia and Serbia. Utilizing data from empirical studies conducted over the past fifteen years, such

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New research alert: Trust repertoires and the reception of institutional responses to the COVID-19 crisis in Europe

INVENT member Marc Verboord from the Dutch INVENT team published a new article in the International Journal of Comparative Sociology on the role of institutional trust in current European societies. Based on a secondary data analysis of Eurobarometer data (response rate 39.6%), it maps institutional trust repertoires and analyzes their consequences for a crisis that disturbed public life immensely in

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