Marc Verboord presented a new study from the INVENT project at the Etmaal 2024 conference in Rotterdam. The conference is the largest annual Communication Science conference in the Netherlands and Flanders. Erasmus University’s Department of Media and Communication hosted the conference, which was attended by over 400 media scholars, educators, policymakers, and practitioners. The presentation was titled: “Media Use, Cultural
Two recent presentations by Mirko Petrić of the Croatian INVENT team have drawn significant attention and acclaim, highlighting perceptions of cultural inequalities across Europe and the need to finance culture. The first presentation, titled How citizens of nine European countries perceive inequalities in culture?, was held as an online lecture on January 31st, 2024. Organized by the Croatian Sociological Association
In this video INVENT researcher Riie Heikkilä from the Finnish team explains the difference between openness and tolerance. Discover the different attitudes that citizens hold toward cultures other than their own. Intrigued? You can read more about this topic in the article Cosmopolitanism in contemporary European societies: mapping and comparing different types of openness across Europe.
The Finnish INVENT team members participated in a seminar “Back to Bourdieu(?): A Symposium” held on 12 December at the University of Helsinki. The event and presentations discussed the legacy of Pierre Bourdieu’s work on sociology, especially from the Finnish perspective. In his presentation, INVENT team member Semi Purhonen discussed the influence of Bourdieu in current cultural stratification research and
The INVENT Project will be presenting part of its findings across an array of conferences this coming Fall. Below, we will detail the upcoming presentations and events that feature INVENT’s findings, but if you already want a glimpse of what else the project has been up to, don’t forget to check out our second yearly newsletter. You can read and
On June 30, 2022, the Dutch INVENT team attended the Boekman Foundation conference entitled “The Value of Culture after Corona” and presented their findings from a big-data-analysis of online cultural petitions among Dutch citizens and organizations. The findings presented are part of the second wave of data scraping carried out by the INVENT consortium that explores which cultural petitions dominate
The importance of academic knowledge on the social aspects of culture is essential in the field of cultural policy. Nevertheless, insights of this kind are frequently neglected in the processes of devising national cultural policies in different European countries. In addition to broad EU policy frameworks, cultural policies of the nation states should include knowledge about how culture is seen
Last week the first INVENT Conference 2021 took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on the 23 and 24th of September. The theme of the conference centered on capturing the societal values of culture: towards inclusive and participatory European cultural policies. At this much awaited event, the INVENT consortium presented the preliminary results to come forth from the project since its
This year’s congress of the German Academy of Sociology will take place from Sep. 29 to Oct. 01. As part of the session about “European Integration, Identity, and Populism”, INVENT team members will present results from their ongoing project. The presentation is entitled “Does culture foster integration? How the perception of European culture is related to support for European integration”
The methods for understanding how European citizens relate to culture are as diverse as the citizens themselves! Join us in session 8 of the INVENT Conference 2021 to learn more about the methodological challenges and innovations occurring in cultural research. Register here Beyond embarking on a large-scale research project spanning nine different European countries, the INVENT project has also challenged