Research updates


Culture and Symbolic Boundaries in Serbia

Results of Exploratory Study in Serbia – Part II Culture unites, but culture can also divide. In the exploratory study conducted with the aim of collecting different understandings of culture in June and July 2020, one of the questions was directed towards identifying symbolic boundaries in the area of culture in Serbia. According to Lamont (2001) symbolic boundaries are the

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Survey Completed in the UK

After commencing the distribution of the survey on the 20th of May, we are happy to announce the completion of the fielding period in the UK with 2,411 respondents in total. The UK team has joined forces with the local survey company, YouGov, in order to explore the ways in which Britons perceive and engage with culture. Stay tuned for

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Survey data collection completed in Denmark

With a total of 1,650 completed responses, the data collection for the 2021 Danish INVENT survey ended on June 15. A slightly larger share of women than men answered the questionnaire, half of the sample is above the age of 55, and one third is between 35 and 54 years old. While the majority of participants hold the Danish citizenship,

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Effects of Covid-19 on Cultural Practices in Serbia

Results of Exploratory Study in Serbia – Part 1 The exploratory study was carried out in June and July 2020, with citizens invited to participate via Facebook accounts. The final sample included 215 respondents. The question All over Europe people are currently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Can you describe how this pandemic has affected cultural practices in your everyday life? in

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What does culture mean to you?

Exploratory study among Spanish citizens by Jinju Kim and Jordi López Jinju Kim and Jordi López from the Spanish INVENT team conducted an exploratory study about the meaning of culture in Spain between 27th May 2020 and 4th July 2020 in Catalan and Spanish languages. It asked Spaniards “What comes to mind first when you think of the word culture?

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Article on Socio-Political Polarization of Media Usage in Finland

Semi Purhonen, Adrian Leguina and Riie Heikkilä published an article in the Nordicom journal (see full Open Access version at The article uses nationally representative data from Finland from two longitudinal and comparable data sets from 2007 and 2018 and shows a stability in the social stratification of media use which organizes itself around the same axes (Internet use/non-use and legitimate media use/non-use) in both years. The article demonstrates that new

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Conversations about culture in the Danish Twittersphere

The Danish INVENT team will present the first country-specific results of the project’s data-scraping efforts at the 2021 NordMedia online conference in August of this year. The presentation on “#kultur – Mapping conversations about culture in the Danish Twittersphere” will focus on how Danish citizens use Twitter in relation to arts and culture. It also provides a methodological report highlighting

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Social inequalities in cultural participation

Drawing on Eurobarometer data, Guiseppe Lamberti and Jordi López of the Spanish INVENT team compared the cultural participation of Europeans in 28 countries (EU 28) in 2007 with 2013 to analyze the effect of the economic crisis on the evolution of social inequalities in cultural participation. For both periods, the researchers considered to what extent people participated in a wide

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INVENT Survey in Switzerland

Fieldwork for the INVENT survey in Switzerland is halfway completed: Since its launch on April 15, more than 660 people have participated in the INVENT survey in Switzerland. This is more than half of the expected sample size covering the general Swiss resident population. Participants came from all three language regions of Switzerland (German, French, Italian) and completed the questionnaire

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INVENT field research has started in nine European countries

On 15 April 2021, the first phase of INVENT’s field research has started according to plan. In the next few months, a comprehensive survey will be conducted among representative samples of the population in Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The survey explores how people aged 18 years to 80 years old across

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