INVENT field research has started in nine European countries

On 15 April 2021, the first phase of INVENT’s field research has started according to plan. In the next few months, a comprehensive survey will be conducted among representative samples of the population in Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

The survey explores how people aged 18 years to 80 years old across Europe understand and experience culture, which cultural activities they undertake, and what matters to them in terms of culture. Culture can be so many different things to different people. Therefore, the questionnaire pays  due attention to people’s backgrounds and concerns various aspects of culture. Questions inquire into for example, media use and digital cultural practices, the availability of cultural offerings, engagement with local and international culture, as well as people’s viewpoints on broader social and cultural developments in their country of residence. Of course, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is also taken into account.

The survey is administered by specialized, local survey agencies in each of the aforementioned  countries between 15 April-15 June 2021. First results will be presented at the 15th ESA conference (Barcelona, 31 August to 3 September).

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