This blog post concerns the ongoing empirical work of the Danish team and is therefore work in progress. In the INVENT project, we have been busy collecting different types of data via methods such as interviews, focus groups, case studies, and data scraping. Inspired by insights from previous data collections, the Danish team followed the traces of digital inequalities, which
Our last blog post presented an introduction to INVENT’s current interview data collection phase. In this post, we want to highlight a subset of questions, which explore how people relate to digital media in their lives, and how those impact their cultural practices.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an economic and social crisis that has both revealed and exacerbated already strong trends in many areas of society, while also creating new spaces for reflection and questioning. What are specific trends in the cultural sector that are being exaggerated by the COVID-19 pandemic? What did it mean to go digital for art and cultural
The INVENT-team is happy to welcome Dr. Eva Myrczik as a postdoctoral researcher in the Danish team as of October 15, 2021. Eva Myrczik has a MA in Cognition and Communication from the University of Copenhagen and achieved her PhD in November 2019 from the same university with the dissertation Digital Museum Mediation in Denmark: A Critical Exploration of the
Members of the Swiss team have published an article titled “Was verstehen Menschen eigentlich unter Europa?” (What do people actually understand by Europe) on the Swiss social scientific news platform DeFacto Similar to the approach of the INVENT project, the reported study uses a bottom-up approach and analyses the meanings of Europe on the basis of a survey conducted in
Last week the first INVENT Conference 2021 took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on the 23 and 24th of September. The theme of the conference centered on capturing the societal values of culture: towards inclusive and participatory European cultural policies. At this much awaited event, the INVENT consortium presented the preliminary results to come forth from the project since its
This year’s congress of the German Academy of Sociology will take place from Sep. 29 to Oct. 01. As part of the session about “European Integration, Identity, and Populism”, INVENT team members will present results from their ongoing project. The presentation is entitled “Does culture foster integration? How the perception of European culture is related to support for European integration”
Food for thought: Has the COVID pandemic prompted you to use more digital alternatives for cultural activities in the future (e-shopping, online meetings), or has it reignited your drive to return to offline cultural activities (shopping in the city, meeting with colleagues live)? The topic of session 6 is digitalization and online cultural participation. Will we see you at the
Do you think shopping malls belong to culture or not? Data from our cross-national survey show that Europeans were most indecisive about this question. At session 5 of the INVENT Conference 2021 we will be exploring the extents and boundaries of what constitutes “culture” for residents of a variety of European countries. Come join the conversation! One of the core
What cultural activity did/do you miss most during the COVID-19 pandemic? The INVENT team posed this question to people living in nine different European countries. Curious about the outcome of our research and the relation between culture and wellbeing? Join Session 4 of the INVENT Conference 2021. Register here. A prime interest of INVENT is the way culture can contribute