The INVENT Project will be presenting part of its findings across an array of conferences this coming Fall. Below, we will detail the upcoming presentations and events that feature INVENT’s findings, but if you already want a glimpse of what else the project has been up to, don’t forget to check out our second yearly newsletter. You can read and download it here.

ESA’s RN07 Mid-term Conference
The INVENT Project will be attending 3 major conferences in the coming months. The first of which is approaching soon: from August 31st until September 2nd 2022, Research Network 07 ‘Sociology of Culture’ of the European Sociological Association is hosting its mid-term conference at the University of Portsmouth, UK. Under this year’s theme “Culture(s) on the Margins” the INVENT team will be giving 7 presentations across three different sessions.
For the session Cultural Capitals, Cultural Practices, the team will be presenting 3 different papers exploring the influence of cultural capital on the perception of processes of globalization and questioning whether social inequalities influence different cultural practices and leisure activities, both during and beyond times of covid-19.
In the session discussing Marginality, Communication and Trust, we will be presenting 2 papers covering cross-national comparisons of bottom-up conceptions of culture and the relationship between institutional trust and media use in times of political turmoil in Europe.
During the third session entitled Culture, Belonging and Integration, we will be sharing a closer look at comparisons made between specific INVENT members countries. One paper focusses on the religiosity and cultural practices in five different European societies and the other explores the meanings ascribed to culture in Spanish and British societies in particular.
Register for ESA’s RN07 Mid-term Conference here and have a look at the detailed programme.

ICCPR 2022
The second conference on our calendars is the 12th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research taking place from 19 – 23 September 2022 at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. On September 20th INVENT team members Goran Tomka and Višnja Kisić will be participating on the panel: Imaging postcapitalist cultural policies (UK & Serbia). Later that day, they will also be presenting their paper on ecological politics of mobility in arts and culture as part of the Cultural Policy and Sustainability session.
On Thursday 22 September, the whole day of which is dedicated to the topic of Policy, Diplomacy and Governance, INVENT will be presenting another paper on post-pandemic forms of mobility in culture and transformations in cultural policy.
Register for the 12th ICCPR 2022 here

ECREA’s 9th European Communication Conference
Later in October of this year, the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) is hosting its 9th European Communication Conference at Aarhus University, Denmark from 19 – 22 October 2022. The theme for this year is “Rethink Impact” drawing attention to the way academic insight can best be translated into tangible outcomes for society.
The INVENT project is participating in the conference with presentations in three different sessions. For the session on Audience and Reception Studies a paper with findings on European citizens’ digital cultural participation and its notable implications will be presented. Next, looking closer at cultural participation in a digitized society, the paper we will present during the Digital Culture and Communication sessionis comparing repertoires of online and offline cultural participation and their social correlates across Europe. Finally, for the Political Communication session, the INVENT team will once more be sharing its insights on institutional trust and media trust in Europe’s political climate.
Register for ECREA’s 9th European Communication Conference here
Which conferences will you be attending this fall? You can keep up to date with INVENT’s activities and find more information about each of the talks mentioned in this blog through the Events page on our website.
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