One of the major outputs of the INVENT project is a dynamic, interactive e-dictionary of pluralistic, inclusive cultural policies aiming at a social turn in cultural policy. In the era of directionless search engines, the European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture stands out as a dependable resource for policymakers, researchers, cultural practitioners, and interested individuals seeking to acquaint themselves with the principles, tools, and benchmarks of cultural policy geared towards promoting societal values associated with culture. This openly accessible database facilitates ongoing expansion and refinement of its contents. Following the project’s formal conclusion in July 2023, the INVENT team has introduced over 100 new entries, covering topics such as AI and Cultural Policy, Urban regeneration, Gentrification, Interculturalism, Social Cohesion, Trust and many others.

More information about the Inventory can be found here: To go directly to the Inventory, click here.

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