Are globalizing European cultures moving towards more inclusive or divided societies? Should we be thinking about cosmopolitanism differently altogether? Join Session 3 of the INVENT Conference 2021 and engage with our discussion. Register here.

The mega-trend of globalization facilitates a move wherein European citizens tend to become more cosmopolitan in their cultural identity, tastes, and preferences. The INVENT project approaches the phenomenon of globalizing European cultures through various lenses.

A first analysis looks more broadly at how citizens perceive a shared European culture, their sense of belonging to this European identity, and how that relates to their support for European integration.

INVENT also explores the social prevalence and impact of cosmopolitanism and cosmopolitan cultural consumption across European societies. How do levels of cultural inclusiveness and openness vary according to socio-demographic factors, people’s living environment, and their exposure to diversity in everyday life? Does cosmopolitanism promote cultural inclusivity and a shared identity, or does it at times also function in a way to exclude or divide social groups in contemporary European societies?

Session 3 of the INVENT Conference 2021 will zoom in on these intriguing topics, with presentations by Ian Woodward, and INVENT team members Jörg Rössel and Tally-Katz Gerro.

Session speakers:

  • Reconceiving Cosmopolitanism 

Ian Woodward (University of Southern-Denmark)

  • Attitudes towards European Culture and European Integration

Jörg Rössel (University of Zurich)

  • European Cultural Cosmopolitans: Consumption and taste in diverse contexts

Tally-Katz Gerro (University of Haifa)

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